Scientific Studies


Koruga D, (2019) Optical filter based on light-matter coupling in quantum-confined cavity spaces, EU Patent Application, PCT/EP2019/065365

Koruga D, (2018) Effect of hyperharmonized light on the modification of EEG signals, pp. 241-247, Hyperpolarized Light, Zepterbook word.

Koruga D, (2019) Optical filter based and method of manufacturing an optical filter, Patent Application, EP 3469 406 B1, Bulletin 33/2020, 12.08.2020

Kwon, J., Kim, Y., Lanuza, A. et al. Formation of matter-wave polaritons in an optical lattice. Nat. Phys. (2022).

Improving Cognitive Abilites

Gulyar, Sergiy & Filimonova, Natalia & Makarchuk, Mykola & Kryvdiuk, Yuliia. (2019). Ocular Influence of Nano-Modified Fulleren Light: 1. Activity of Default Networks of the Human Brain. Journal of US-China Medical Science. 16. 10.17265/1548-6648/2019.02.001.

Gulyar, Sergiy & Filimonova, Natalia & Makarchuk, Mykola & Krivdiuk, Yuliia. (2019). Ocular Influence of Nano-Modified Fullerene Light, 2: Time Correlation of the Choice and Simple Sensorimotor Reactions That Determine Blinding Compensation of the Driver. Journal of US-China Medical Science. 16. 10.17265/1548-6648/2019.03.001.

Gulyar, Sergiy & Tamarova, Zynaida & Kirilenko, Evgeny. (2019). Ocular Influence of Nano-modified Fullerene Light: 3. Speed and Quality of Visual Information Processing in Man. Journal of US-China Medical Science. 16. 10.17265/1548-6648/2019.03.002.

Jelena Boljanovic, Marija Miljkovic, Branislava Jeftic - Investigation of the effect of Fullerene Hyperlight Eyewear on degenerative eye functions and psychological states of the brain. NewGalaxy Zepter’s Nano World. 2021

Optimize Vision

Jankov, Mirko & Jaksic, Vesna & Koruga, Djuro. (2019). Clinical impact of nanophotonic blue-light filtering spectacles based on fullerene C60 and PMMA. Vojnosanitetski pregled. 78. 82-82. 10.2298/VSP190522082J.

Dr Igor Kovačević, 2021. Pilot project about effects of HE on patients with diabetic retinopathy. Faculty of medicine, University of Belgrade. Eye disease clinic, clinical center of Serbia

Lin JB, Gerratt BW, Bassi CJ, Apte RS. Short-Wavelength Light-Blocking Eyeglasses Attenuate Symptoms of Eye Fatigue. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2017;58:442-7.

Anti-Aging Benefits

Stanković, Ivana & Matija, Lidija & Jankov, M. & Branislava, Jeftić & Koruga, I.. (2020). Optical and structural properties of PMMA/C60 composites with different concentrations of C60 molecules and its possible applications. Journal of Polymer Research. 27. 10.1007/s10965-020-02203-4.

Regulate Natural Hormonal Levels

Filipovic, B, Miljkovic,S., Jeftić, B., Neskovic,A., Mileusnic, I., Ilanković, N1, Jakovcevski, I., Koruga, D Influence of nano photonic light ordered by Fibonacci sequences on serotonin and melatonin levels and affective state of healthy volunteers (paper in progress)

Burkhart K, Phelps JR. Amber lenses to block blue light and improve sleep: a randomized trial. Chronobiol Int. 2009 Dec;26(8):1602-12. doi: 10.3109/07420520903523719. PMID: 20030543.

Esaki Y, Kitajima T, Takeuchi I, Tsuboi S, Furukawa O, Moriwaki M, Fujita K, Iwata N. 2017. Effect of blue-blocking glasses in major depressive disorder with sleep onset insomnia: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Chronobiol Int. 34:753–761. doi:10.1080/07420528.2017.1318893. PMID: 28488943

Henriksen TEG, Grønli J, Assmus J, Fasmer OB, Schoeyen H, Leskauskaite I, Bjorke-Bertheussen J, Ytrehus K, Lund A. 2020. Blue-blocking glasses as additive treatment for mania: effects on actigraphy-derived sleep parameters. J Sleep Res. 29:e12984. doi:10.1111/jsr.12984. PMID: 31967375

Henriksen TE, Skrede S, Fasmer OB, Hamre B, Grønli J, Lund A. Blocking blue light during mania - markedly increased regularity of sleep and rapid improvement of symptoms: a case report. Bipolar Disord. 2014 Dec;16(8):894-8. doi: 10.1111/bdi.12265. Epub 2014 Sep 27. PMID: 25264124.

Hester L, Dang D, Barker CJ, Heath M, Mesiya S, Tienabeso T, Watson K. Evening wear of blue-blocking glasses for sleep and mood disorders: a systematic review. Chronobiol Int. 2021 Oct;38(10):1375-1383. doi: 10.1080/07420528.2021.1930029. Epub 2021 May 24. PMID: 34030534.

Janků K, Šmotek M, Fárková E, Kopřivová J. Block the light and sleep well: Evening blue light filtration as a part of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia. Chronobiol Int. 2020 Feb;37(2):248-259. doi: 10.1080/07420528.2019.1692859. Epub 2019 Nov 22. PMID: 31752544.

Knufinke M, Fittkau-Koch L, Møst EIS, Kompier MAJ, Nieuwenhuys A. Restricting short-wavelength light in the evening to improve sleep in recreational athletes - A pilot study. Eur J Sport Sci. 2019 Jul;19(6):728-735. doi: 10.1080/17461391.2018.1544278. Epub 2018 Nov 14. PMID: 30427265.

M. Latas, J. Boljanovic, B. Jeftic, Z. Lazovic - Investigation of the effect of Hyperlight Eyewear on psychological disorders such as clinical depression and anxiety (paper in progress)

Ostrin LA. Ocular and systemic melatonin and the influence of light exposure. Clin Exp Optom. 2019 Mar;102(2):99-108. doi: 10.1111/cxo.12824. Epub 2018 Aug 3. PMID: 30074278.

Sasseville A, Benhaberou-Brun D, Fontaine C, Charon MC, Hebert M. Wearing blue-blockers in the morning could improve sleep of workers on a permanent night schedule: a pilot study. Chronobiol Int. 2009 Jul;26(5):913-25. doi: 10.1080/07420520903044398. PMID: 19637050.

Sasseville A, Hébert M. Using blue-green light at night and blue-blockers during the day to improves adaptation to night work: a pilot study. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2010 Oct 1;34(7):1236-42. doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2010.06.027. Epub 2010 Jul 3. PMID: 20599459.

Shechter A, Kim EW, St-Onge MP, Westwood AJ. Blocking nocturnal blue light for insomnia: A randomized controlled trial. J Psychiatr Res. 2018 Jan;96:196-202. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2017.10.015. Epub 2017 Oct 21. PMID: 29101797; PMCID: PMC5703049.

Van der Lely S, Frey S, Garbazza C, Wirz-Justice A, Jenni OG, Steiner R, Wolf S, Cajochen C, Bromundt V, Schmidt C. Blue blocker glasses as a countermeasure for alerting effects of evening light-emitting diode screen exposure in male teenagers. J Adolesc Health. 2015 Jan;56(1):113-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2014.08.002. Epub 2014 Oct 3. PMID: 25287985.